Friday, January 23, 2015

The Black Bengal Goat

The Black Bengal Goats are found in Bangladesh. These excellent breed of goats with very high reproduction capability. Most of the goats of this breed are black colored but also found in white or brown. They eat grass, leaves, vegetables but doesn't like straw. The female goats become mature very quickly and give birth from four to eight children a year. The milk production rate of this breed is low. These goats can only produce up to 300 ml of milk a day which is consumed by the children. But a Black Bengal goat produces high quality meat and skin. It demands little amount of food but gains good amount of weight. The adult male goats weight from 25-30 kg and the females 20-25 kg. Farming this breed is very profitable. It has played an important role over the years to reduce poverty from Bangladesh. But this priceless creatures are getting annihilated from Bangladesh day by day because the Agricultural Universities and Institutes and some illiterate people of Bangladesh are crossing this breed with other breeds. So now it is becoming difficult to find a pure goat of this breed.


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