Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Nubian Goat

The Nubian Goats found today are mix of multiple breeds. These goats are also known as the Anglo-Nubian goat were developed in England by crossing the English Milch goat, Egyptian Zariby Goat and the original Russian Nubian goats. These long eared goats are found in various colors and contain more meat in their body than any other dairy goats. They gain good amount of weight and have high amount of butterfat in their milk as well. So these goats can be used for dual purpose. An adult buck weights from 75 to 90 kg and a doe 65 to 75 kg. The female Nubian is capable of producing up to 4 liters of milk a day and 4 children a year. Because of the Middle Eastern bloodline, the Anglo-Nubian goats can adapt to very hot climate.


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